This is such a fantastic essay! I've been thinking about a couple lightbulb moments I had while reading this for the past few days. Last year over 55% of my reading was backlist, books others weren't reading and giving opinions on. I just thought oh I'm really loving backlist this year, but I think Hunter has explored what it was for me (and still is) on a deeper level- I want to find out what I think about a book that no one else is currently talking about. I've also been craving more "under the radar" books and I wasn't sure why but I think, as Hunter discussed, it's to get away from being told what to expect and having other people's opinions circling my thoughts when I pick up a book. I'm all for getting book recommendations, especially from readers I trust, but leaning back into uncovering my own opinions and reading taste has been really really fun.

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I’ve long known Hunter and we’ve had buddy reads together and I always would prep harder for my conversations with him than anyone else. I knew he’d question aspects of the book beyond “what celebrity would play this character in the movie?” (but we asked that, too!)

Hunter’s perspective and insights into writing and reading have made ME a better reader.

Seriously, everyone needs a reading friend like Hunter!

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This is lovely. As a longtime listener to From the Front Porch, I’ve always appreciated your candor and humility, Hunter. I don’t know why I wasn’t subscribed to your Substack but I’ve rectified that!

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This was rad, just as Hunter always is!!

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