Thank you so much for this, Sara! I really appreciate the Libro.fm link for the free download of Minor Detail :-) The part about people not being their governments hits so hard for me, and I really think it needs to be a constant reminder for people. Also, I think that one reason I stepped away from sharing about my reading on Instagram is because it seems like it was a place where reactions are so fast and brutal that there was no time for anyone to consider nuance or reasoning for why we read what we read. Lastly, I loved what Roxane Gay said this weekend in her roundup newsletter about everyone not necessarily needing to weigh in on every event ~ another thing I think a LOT about. When is my voice relevant, when is it virtue signaling, when is it credible, when is it just noise. Anyway, thanks again for this piece!

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Echoing everything you said here! Sara, you always put complicated things into words so gracefully--thoughtful and insightful with a clear sense of purpose. I agree with this trend on IG of dealing with such fast and harsh reactions with clearly no intent of engagement or conversation. It’s so mentally draining and also quite frankly, intellectually lazy. It does SO much more harm than good because even if somewhere deeply buried there is the hope of dialogue and changing someone’s perspective, only the opposite happens. I don’t have answers either, but grateful for pieces like this that put words to a lot of what I’ve been feeling!

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I highly recommend reading both of Etaf Rum’s novels, “A Woman is No Man” and “Evil Eye”. Both books were so impactful to me and my understanding of the plight of many Palestinians, whether in Israeli territories or the US.

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When I first started reading your newsletter today, the more I read the more I started to brace myself for what was coming next: is she going to pick sides now? I was waiting for the “punch”. THANKFULLY, it did not come. I want to believe, truly, that NOT ALL people are their government. Even though I am very connected to one side of this conflict, I will not make this sacred space right now about anything more than appreciating your balanced perspective on these book recommendations. I thank you for encouraging people on both sides to see the humanity in each other if only through this medium.

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Sara, I really appreciate everything you had to say in this newsletter and all the recommendations you gave. I'm an American Jew who doesn't agree with the current Israeli government, particularly over its handling of Palestine/Palestinians, and I've only recently realized that much of what I thought I knew about Palestinians was very one-sided and possibly even propaganda. Reading is such a great way to learn more and find the humanity in all people. I'm really looking forward to listening to Minor Detail.

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Well said Sara! You offer such a balanced perspective on reading, politics, and our humanness.

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David Grossman is an excellent Israeli writer to get to know. And I share your appreciation for Enter Ghost. Terrific writing. Thanks for the recos.

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This was beautifully written and resonated with me deeply. Thank you for sharing in such an empathetic way. ❤️

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This was such a lovely and gracious post. Thanks for sharing with us, Sara.

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Love this, Sara. I’m planning on reading The Postcard and Evil Eye next month, and would love to read Salt Houses if I can get my hands on a library copy!

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I appreciate your comments. Let me know if you want some Israeli lit recommendations. I have many. On the other side of the equation I recommend The Map of Love by Ahdaf Soueif

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Such a thoughtful post Sara. I especially appreciate your reading list!

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Salt Houses is by Hala Alyan, not Hana.

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