Welcome to the FictionMatters newsletter!

FictionMatters began as a graduate school project in response to the Common Core push for more nonfiction in secondary classrooms. While I knew in my bones that reading fiction mattered, I set out to explore just what fiction can teach us and how reading fiction impacted people beyond the English field.

This project ballooned into sharing book recommendations and reading reflections on Instagram, and eventually landed me here where I write regularly and reflectively on my reading and thinking about fiction.

About Me:

Prior to becoming a full-time reader and writer, I earned her MA in English Literature from Georgetown University and spent six years teaching English at an all-girls high school. As a teacher and scholar, I appreciate the legacy of classic literature and love dense literary fiction that gives off that readerly feel. But as a recovering book snob, I also love the occasional dishy thriller and historical romance. FictionMatters currently has over 100,000 followers on Instagram, and has become a trusted recommendation source for readers around the world.

In addition to running the FictionMatters newsletter and Instagram account, I co-host Novel Pairings, a podcast dedicated to making the classics readable, relevant, and fun.

I own more books than she can ever hope to read and if I invite you over for a glass of wine, you'll also undoubtedly leave with a book (or three). I’m currently living the literary lifestyle in Denver, CO with my husband, daughter, and labradoodle, Bingley.

What You Can Expect:

After decades as a student and a teacher, I can’t help but think deeply about the books that I read—and I wouldn’t want it any other way. In this space, I share both what I read and how I read to help enrich your reading life and make the invisible structures of reading visible. While I can’t guarantee that I’ll help you find your next favorite read, you can count on me to share books that will challenge, inspire, provoke, and maybe…sometimes…delight.

Here’s the lineup:

Sundays: Both free and paid subscribers get a weekly email where I review my most recent reads alongside a roundup of links and small delights. I’ve been sharing these Sunday musings for over three years, and I love them as a way to reflect on my reading and put great books into your hands.

Tuesdays: Every Tuesday I share a deeper dive into the reading life. These vary in nature, but are always designed to go beyond book recs and into the heart of what makes for a quality reading life. Most Tuesdays are devoted to my Reading in Public series where I try to get at the heart of how I read as an English teacher and MA holder, who now reads for both pleasure and profession. Interspersed between these you’ll find my readerly advice column Ask FictionMatter series (submit your query here) and author Q&As. Tuesday posts are almost always free with infrequent paywalled segments.

Fridays: TGIF days are dedicated to the best part of the internet: recommendation. Sometimes these are extensive themed book lists and other times they’re impassioned pitches for personal favorites. Occasionally I throw in recommendations for non-bookish goodies that I just can’t get enough of. These Friday Mood Recs are an exclusive perk for paid subscribers.

Monthly: Paid subscribers also get two bonus newsletters each month: my Ranked Reading Recap podcasts where I rank and review every book I read the previous month and In Summation emails where I share more personal updates along with non-bookish favorite things.

Thank you for reading and subscribing to FictionMatters! I’m so glad you’re here!

Subscribe to FictionMatters Newsletter

what I read, how I read, and fiction that matters to me


Sara is a reader and former English teacher who shares the what and how of her reading life in the FictionMatters Newsletter and as the co-host of the Novel Pairings podcast.